NEW: |
The GPF Pro is considered as final. The plain vanilla GPF is still available and supported, but will not include the latest features. The GPF Standard now costs $75, and entitles to the GPF Pro for just the difference in price. It is still a good way to start experimenting features at your own pace.
1. A new exciting on-line service will soon be launched. It is called WebGPF, and will be a Excel 2000 spreadsheet which automatically downloads data from Yahoo and patterns from our site, calculate GPF composite signals to be used in your trading strategy. The latest version of the GPF Pro does generate WebGPF sheets for your own use, or for FREE distribution over your own site. ForeTrade will post WebGPF sheets on this web site. Some will be free for all users. Some will be available at a small nominal fee. All WebGPF patterns will be free for GPF registered users. More details coming soon... 2. The GPF Pro will in this upcoming release better allow for Out of Sample (OoS) analysis. It was previously already possible to load data, run an optimization, analyze stats, then load new data to check how the newly found patterns fare on 'unseen' data. While this is still possible, it is now easier to just hold some data out at the end of the sample, and calculate stats to analyze pattern statistical stability. The Analysis form now shows OoS statistics which can be calculated either cumulatively (In-S + OoS), or separately (OoS). 3. Internal genetic settings have been improved including default parameters, usually only available to GeneHunter registered users. While this will increase optimization times, there also brings much better patterns. It was previously not uncommon to see duplicate optimizations yield different patterns. Among other things, pattern populations are bigger, and the genetic selection process is even more elitist. Default parameters should be updated to allow Fitness peaks to be at least 30 to 40. As a guideline, a regular optimization should take a minimum of 100 generations for 2 to 3 years of data to reach an optimum. Some advanced users, particularly academics, have argued that fitness must peak for 75 to 100 generations to ensure an optimum solution. This may be true, but our experience showed that the best patterns are often the second or third one, which often display better statistical stability. |
- Page last modified:
December 08, 2007 |